Legal Notice

1. Responsible person’s data

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following is the identification data of the responsible party.



C.I.F./N.I.F.: B34174300

Registered Office: C/Carretera 1, 34113 Villarrabe ( Palencia)

Registered in the Commercial Registry of Palencia, Page P-2902, Folio 72, Volume 263, Section 1ยช.

Phone: 979706987



2. Intellectual Property

The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and contents included in this web site are protected by the Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S. L and the contents of this website may not be reproduced and/or published, whether totally or partially, nor may they be handled, distributed, divulged, modified, transformed or divided, or treated in any way that breaches the legally recognised rights of the owner, without prior written consent from VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L..

The user, solely and exclusively, may use the material that appears on this website for personal and private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L.


VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L will watch over the compliance of the above conditions, as well as the correct use of the contents presented in its website, taking pertinent civil or criminal in case of infringement of or non-compliance with these rights by the user.

3. Protection of personal data

You will find detailed information about the processing of your data in the “Extended Privacy Statement” section of this website.

4. Various

A.– VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L. may modify, without prior notice, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation.

B.– VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L. undertakes through this medium NOT TO ENGAGE IN MISLEADING ADVERTISING. To these effects, misleading advertising does not include formal or numeric errors which may be found within the different sections of VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L’s website, caused as a consequence of incomplete or faulty maintenance or updating of the information contained in these sections. VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L, in accordance with this paragraph, undertakes to correct these faults as soon as it has knowledge of them.

C.- VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L undertakes NOT TO SEND ADVERTISING CORRESPONDENCE WITHOUT IDENTIFYING IT AS SUCH, in accordance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services. For these purposes will not be considered as commercial communication all information sent to interested persons provided that its purpose is to maintain the existing relationship, as well as the performance of the tasks of information and other activities of the entity.

D.– VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L. is not responsible for the breach of any applicable rule that may be incurred by the user in their access to this website and / or the use of the information contained therein.

E.– VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L. will not be liable for any damages caused or likely to occur, whatever their nature, arising from the use of the information, the materials contained in this web site and the programs included.
The links and hypertext, which, through the web site, allow the user to access features and services offered by third parties, do not belong to and are not under the control of VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L; the company is not responsible for the information contained in them, nor for any effects that may derive from such information.

F.– VALLE DE SAN JUAN PALENCIA S.L. is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of the brand names, product names, trademarks, not owned by that entity, appearing on this website. The company is not responsible for the integrity, veracity and legality of the contents of the web links which can be accessed from this website.

G.– In short, the User is solely responsible for the use made of the services, contents, links and hypertext included in this website.